You can search for different services in the city, from Building & Construction services, tailors, beauty & spas, Dental & Health services, cleaning services, business consultation and so on.
Hararelife also has the job seeking and application feature that is very well needed in the local economy. Companies can post job opportunities on our website targeting both full timers, part time, internships and freelancers.
The company can also help the companies with the screening process and narrow down the numbers to the most qualified for the job [if requested, and also at a small cost – saving them time to work on more important things]. That way there will be no favoritism in job application opportunities.
The website will also serve as an informative site, reminding the general public what is going on in our “sunshine city” and other places across Zimbabwe. This can be a tool to promote tourism locally. also comes with an online gift shop, where you can order and send gifts to your loved ones from all over the world. Not only can you buy gifts online, you will also be able to buy tickets to prominent events online too.
The content is amazing because we will also put customers’ input into it, survey and research. Our team is the greatest asset we have, as we all have rich experience not only in marketing and design, but the honesty and having what is best for the city at heart.